A Small Bomb in Mulackstrasse


Great excitement. They've found a World War II bomb around the corner, in Mulackstrasse, and evacuated the locality. The Rosenthaler end of Mulack Strasse has been blocked off! The dentist on the corner of Mulack and Gorman Strasse has been evacuated! Men with toothache wander about behind the barrier, disconsolate! Mighty entertainment.

 Of course, as Silvio (the gifted hairdresser who works in Denny Gehrke's of Steinstrasse) sternly points out, there's hundreds of bombs buried in Berlin, so it's not really a big deal. But for those of us not born and bred here, it's a bit of craic. 

Being around the corner, and thus protected from any potential blast, we haven't been evacuated, so we get the best of both worlds. Nothing like relaxing with a cup of coffee, with one ear cocked to hear the neighbouring flats lifted a hundred yards into the air. (Should they be so lifted.)

Ah, there’s nothing like a good, old-fashioned bombscare to add a little zing to city living. And what could be more old-fashioned than a World War II bombscare?

Retro, yet chic. Very Berlin.